Thursday, November 02, 2006


My daughter turns 1 tomorrow. I can't believe it's already been a year since she was born. Wow.

She's learning and growing so much every day. She took her first steps last weekend, and quickly progressed from two or three shaky steps to walking most of the way across the room (still quite shakily). Her vocabulary is slowly expanding; the other day she pointed at a book and said, "read that," as she sat on my lap. This morning she learned that Santa Claus says, "Ho, ho, ho!" though her version sounds more like "Ha, hoo, ha," or "ho, hoo, hoo," or "ha, ha, *giggle*." She seems to more or less have it down, though. She also can consistently pick out a pig or a duck from a lineup of various critters, and if you ask her what a cow says, she'll say, "moo." She loves music and loves to dance; she starts to wiggle and bob her head whenever she hears music, whether it's from one of her toys, the TV, a CD, or one of her parents singing.

Basically, she's great. She's happy and she makes us extremely happy. Hooray!

And to keep this from being just a child-focused post, I will now tell you what I plan to have for lunch ('cause I think that's generally accepted as primo blog fodder ("blog fodder" is kinda fun to say)):

A Smart Ones frozen meal consisting of roasted turkey with gravy and mashed potatoes. Delicious? No. Nutritious? Well, allegedly, but that's debatable. Filling? Uh... no.


Blogger Mark said...

My son Charles can walk across the room by himself if he feels so inclined. Often he does not.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Carrie said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Yea!!!!

6:23 PM  

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